Sebastian Blasius ist seit 2015 als Rechtsanwalt in Singapur tätig. Er gehört zu den wenigen deutschen Anwälten, die auch zur Beratung im singapurischen Recht zugelassen sind (gemäß Sec. 36B des Legal Profession Act 1966 und den darauf basierenden Vorschriften). Herr Blasius ist auf die wirtschaftsrechtliche Beratung von Unternehmen aus der DACH-Region und deren südostasiatischen Konzerngesellschaften spezialisiert.
Im Laufe seiner Karriere hat Herr Blasius Organisationen aller Größen und Lebensphasen betreut – von neu gegründeten Start-ups bis hin zu etablierten Unternehmen und von Einzelunternehmen bis hin zu globalen Konzernen. Er berät umfassend zu allen Kernthemen des Wirtschaftsrechts, insbesondere zu den Bereichen Gesellschafts- und Arbeitsrecht und zum allgemeinen Vertragsrecht.
Einen besonderen Fokus legt Herr Blasius auf das Datenschutzrecht. Er ist von der International Association of Privacy Professionals als „Certified Information Privacy Professional“ für Asien und Europa akkreditiert und übernimmt für seine Mandanten regelmäßig die Rolle des externen Datenschutzbeauftragten.
Herr Blasius blickt auf eine juristische Ausbildung mit konstant exzellenten Ergebnissen zurück. Neben seinen deutschen Staatsexamina hat Herr Blasius im Juni 2024 die singapurischen „Foreign Practitioner Examinations“ erfolgreich abgelegt.
Regelmäßig veröffentlicht Herr Blasius Analysen und Einschätzungen zu aktuellen rechtlichen Entwicklungen, sowohl im lokalen als auch im internationalen Kontext. Zudem hält er Vorträge, Seminare und Schulungen zu diesen Themen.
Herr Blasius spricht fließend Deutsch und Englisch und arbeitet in seiner Freizeit daran, seine Spanischkenntnisse zu erweitern.
Bevor er zu Gateway stieß, war Herr Blasius Partner in einer der größten deutschen Anwaltskanzleien in Südostasien und leitete dort die Datenschutzpraxis.
Sebastian Blasius
- Foreign Practitioner Examinations, Singapore
- Second State Law Examination (top 6% of candidates 2014/1), Free State of Bavaria, Germany
- First Law Examination (top 0.6% of candidates 2011/2), Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany
- Diploma in Business and Environmental Law (best graduate 2007), Trier University of Applied Sciences, German
- Rechtsanwalt (Deutschland) / Attorney-at-law (Germany)
- Foreign Lawyer (Singapore) – registered to practice both Singapore and foreign law in Singapore (under Sec. 36B Legal Profession Act 1966 and the rules made under this Act)
- Certified Information Privacy Professional/Asia (CIPP/A)
- Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe (CIPP/E)
- AIJA – International Association of Young Lawyers (Sebastian has been AIJA’s Singapore Representative since 2023)
- International Association of Privacy Professionals
- Personal Data Protection in Singapore – Six Compliance Steps Every Singapore Business Should Take, Client Information Leaflet, 12/2024.
- Grundlagen der Compliance mit dem singapurischen Datenschutzrecht (Translation: Basics of compliance with Singapore data protection law), Zeitschrift für Datenschutz, 7/2023, p. 386 et seq.
- Erlaubnistatbestände im singapurischen Datenschutzrecht (Translation: Legal bases in Singapore data protection law), Zeitschrift für Datenschutz, 3/2021, p. 145 et seq.
- Neue Rechte und Pflichten beim Datenschutz (Translation: New rights and obligations in data protection), Asia Bridge, 3/2021, p. 38 et seq.
- Verbesserter Schutz von Ausweisdaten (Translation: Improved protection of identification data), Asia Bridge, 11/2019, p. 38 et seq.
- Singapur verbessert den Arbeitnehmerschutz (Translation: Singapore improves employee protection), Asia Bridge, 3/2019, p. 40.
- The New European General Data Protection Regulation, Law Gazette 5/2018
- Verschärfungen im Datenschutzrecht – der Countdown läuft (Translation: Tightening of data protection law – the countdown has begun), Nachrichten für den Außenhandel, 05.02.2018, p. 2.
- Datenschutz, die Zweite! (Translation: Data protection, part two!), Asia Bridge 12/2017 and 1/2018, p. 48 et seq.
- Richtig vorsorgen (Translation: Correct provision for the succession), Impulse, 2/2017, p. 14.
- Der deutsch-singapurische Erbfall – Ein Überblick (Translation: The German-Singapore Inheritance Case – An Overview), Zeitschrift für die Steuer- und Erbrechtspraxis, 3/2016, p. 61 et seq. (together with Pascal Brinkmann)
- Current Developments in Singapore’s Employment and Immigration Landscape, 27.11.2024, German Centre for Industry and Trade Singapore, Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2023, 22.02.2023, German Centre for Industry and Trade Singapore, Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2023, 21.02.2023, Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce / SwissCham Singapore, Singapore.
- The new Thai PDPA, the Singapore PDPA, and their implications on businesses in Thailand, 20.07.2022, Singapore-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok (Thailand).
- The new Thai PDPA, the EU GDPR, and their implications on businesses in Thailand, 19.07.2022, German Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok (Thailand).
- Work Passes in Singapore, 13.04.2022, Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2021, 04.03.2021, German Centre for Industry and Trade Singapore, Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2021, 24.02.2021, Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce / SwissCham Singapore, Singapore.
- Panel discussion and Q&A on the Singapore Government’s Covid-19 measures, 11.05.2020, ABD DutchCham (Singapore), Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2020, 03.03.2020, German Centre for Industry and Trade Singapore, Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2020, 27.02.2020, SwissCham Singapore, Singapore.
- The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and what Thai businesses need to know about it, 30.04.2019, German Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok (Thailand).
- Singapore Budget Talk 2019, 01.03.2019, SwissCham Singapore, Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2019, 28.02.2019, German Centre for Industry and Trade Singapore, Singapore.
- Changes in Singapore Employment Law, 13.02.2019, Austrian Business Association, Singapore.
- Changes in the Singapore Employment Act – what do you need to know?, 12.02.2019, Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Singapore.
- Upcoming changes to Singapore’s employment law – and what employers need to know about it, 15.11.2018, German Centre for Industry and Trade Singapore, Singapore.
- The European General Data Protection Regulation and its impact on businesses in Singapore, 27.09.2018, Austrian Business Association, Singapore.
- The European General Data Protection Regulation, 24.05.2018, EuroCham Myanmar, Yangon (Myanmar).
- Singapore Budget Talk 2018, 02.03.2018, SwissCham Singapore, Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2018, 01.03.2018, German Centre for Industry and Trade Singapore, Singapore.
- Several seminars on the basics of common law and Singapore corporate law at the Technical University of Munich, Asia, 2016 – 2017, Singapore
- Foreign Practitioner Examinations, Singapore
- Second State Law Examination (top 6% of candidates 2014/1), Free State of Bavaria, Germany
- First Law Examination (top 0.6% of candidates 2011/2), Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany
- Diploma in Business and Environmental Law (best graduate 2007), Trier University of Applied Sciences, German
- Rechtsanwalt (Deutschland) / Attorney-at-law (Germany)
- Foreign Lawyer (Singapore) – registered to practice both Singapore and foreign law in Singapore (under Sec. 36B Legal Profession Act 1966 and the rules made under this Act)
- Certified Information Privacy Professional/Asia (CIPP/A)
- Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe (CIPP/E)
- AIJA – International Association of Young Lawyers (Sebastian has been AIJA’s Singapore Representative since 2023)
- International Association of Privacy Professionals
- Personal Data Protection in Singapore – Six Compliance Steps Every Singapore Business Should Take, Client Information Leaflet, 12/2024.
- Grundlagen der Compliance mit dem singapurischen Datenschutzrecht (Translation: Basics of compliance with Singapore data protection law), Zeitschrift für Datenschutz, 7/2023, p. 386 et seq.
- Erlaubnistatbestände im singapurischen Datenschutzrecht (Translation: Legal bases in Singapore data protection law), Zeitschrift für Datenschutz, 3/2021, p. 145 et seq.
- Neue Rechte und Pflichten beim Datenschutz (Translation: New rights and obligations in data protection), Asia Bridge, 3/2021, p. 38 et seq.
- Verbesserter Schutz von Ausweisdaten (Translation: Improved protection of identification data), Asia Bridge, 11/2019, p. 38 et seq.
- Singapur verbessert den Arbeitnehmerschutz (Translation: Singapore improves employee protection), Asia Bridge, 3/2019, p. 40.
- The New European General Data Protection Regulation, Law Gazette 5/2018
- Verschärfungen im Datenschutzrecht – der Countdown läuft (Translation: Tightening of data protection law – the countdown has begun), Nachrichten für den Außenhandel, 05.02.2018, p. 2.
- Datenschutz, die Zweite! (Translation: Data protection, part two!), Asia Bridge 12/2017 and 1/2018, p. 48 et seq.
- Richtig vorsorgen (Translation: Correct provision for the succession), Impulse, 2/2017, p. 14.
- Der deutsch-singapurische Erbfall – Ein Überblick (Translation: The German-Singapore Inheritance Case – An Overview), Zeitschrift für die Steuer- und Erbrechtspraxis, 3/2016, p. 61 et seq. (together with Pascal Brinkmann)
- Current Developments in Singapore’s Employment and Immigration Landscape, 27.11.2024, German Centre for Industry and Trade Singapore, Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2023, 22.02.2023, German Centre for Industry and Trade Singapore, Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2023, 21.02.2023, Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce / SwissCham Singapore, Singapore.
- The new Thai PDPA, the Singapore PDPA, and their implications on businesses in Thailand, 20.07.2022, Singapore-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok (Thailand).
- The new Thai PDPA, the EU GDPR, and their implications on businesses in Thailand, 19.07.2022, German Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok (Thailand).
- Work Passes in Singapore, 13.04.2022, Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2021, 04.03.2021, German Centre for Industry and Trade Singapore, Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2021, 24.02.2021, Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce / SwissCham Singapore, Singapore.
- Panel discussion and Q&A on the Singapore Government’s Covid-19 measures, 11.05.2020, ABD DutchCham (Singapore), Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2020, 03.03.2020, German Centre for Industry and Trade Singapore, Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2020, 27.02.2020, SwissCham Singapore, Singapore.
- The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and what Thai businesses need to know about it, 30.04.2019, German Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok (Thailand).
- Singapore Budget Talk 2019, 01.03.2019, SwissCham Singapore, Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2019, 28.02.2019, German Centre for Industry and Trade Singapore, Singapore.
- Changes in Singapore Employment Law, 13.02.2019, Austrian Business Association, Singapore.
- Changes in the Singapore Employment Act – what do you need to know?, 12.02.2019, Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Singapore.
- Upcoming changes to Singapore’s employment law – and what employers need to know about it, 15.11.2018, German Centre for Industry and Trade Singapore, Singapore.
- The European General Data Protection Regulation and its impact on businesses in Singapore, 27.09.2018, Austrian Business Association, Singapore.
- The European General Data Protection Regulation, 24.05.2018, EuroCham Myanmar, Yangon (Myanmar).
- Singapore Budget Talk 2018, 02.03.2018, SwissCham Singapore, Singapore.
- Singapore Budget Talk 2018, 01.03.2018, German Centre for Industry and Trade Singapore, Singapore.
- Several seminars on the basics of common law and Singapore corporate law at the Technical University of Munich, Asia, 2016 – 2017, Singapore